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sasjs request

The sasjs request command enables developers to call SASjs web services from the commandline.


Before using this command, you will need to install the SASJS CLI and add a deployment target.

sasjs request

This will create a session and execute the relevant SAS service. The output will be returned as a file in the current directory (output.json).


sasjs request <sasProgramPath> [additional arguments]

sasProgramPath - if this has a leading slash (eg /Public/app/folder/servicename) then it must be the full path. If it is a relative path (eg path/servicename) then it will be pre-pended with the appLoc - defined in the config JSON file.

Additional arguments may include:

  • --target (alias -t) - the target environment in which to deploy the services. If not specified, default target will be used, mentioned in sasjsconfig.json. The target can exist either in the local project configuration or in the global .sasjsrc file.
  • --data (alias -d) - (optional) The path to a json file containing the input data passed into the request.
  • --config (alias -c) - (optional) The path to a json file containting the config to be used when executing a request.
  • --log (alias -l) - Location in which to store the log file. If not provided AND current directory is a sasjs project, it will be saved in sasjsresults else in the current directory.
  • --output (alias -o) - Location to store the output file. If not provided AND current directory is a sasjs project, an output file will be saved in the sasjsresults folder else in current directory.

data structure

The input data is structured as follows:

    "tablewith2cols1row": [{
        "col1": "val1",
        "col2": 42
    "tablewith1col2rows": [{
        "col": "row1"
    }, {
        "col": "row2"


# run a SAS Service without inputs, using the default target
sasjs request /Public/app/myApp/common/appinit

# run a SASjs web service with inputs and a config file
sasjs request common/getdata -d ./dataFile.json -c ./configFile.json -t myTarget

# run a SASjs web service with log and output files defined
sasjs request /Public/app/myApp/common/appinit -l ./jobLog.log -o ./jobOutput.json