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The SASjs CLI is available on Node Package Manager. To make NPM available to your terminal, it is first necessary to install NodeJS. The NodeJS installation will vary depending on your OS, as detailed below.

1. NodeJS


If you only care about using the SASjs CLI then simply download NodeJS directly from the homepage: We recommend you do NOT install chocolatey (leave the checkbox unchecked), unless you have a specific need for it.

If you're a power user looking to play with different versions of NodeJS and you have admin rights on your machine, then NVM-Windows would be the better choice - available here:

Mac / Linux

We recommend using NVM instead of Node directly, as this does not require root permissions.

curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install --lts

2. SASjs CLI

The CLI can now be installed using Node Package Manager (npm) as follows:

npm i -g @sasjs/cli


Simply run npm i -g @sasjs/cli@latest to get the latest package.

Note - this approach is not reliable if you are using NPM v6. We recommend that you use the latest version of NPM, for security reasons. To update NPM, run: npm i -g npm@latest