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env file

When running the CLI a number of environment variables are required - for authentication, debugging etc.

These variables can be actual environment variables (set as part of the shell invocation) or, loaded on startup from a .env file in the root of the SASjs project.

As different targets often have different variables (eg connection strings) a .env may be "scoped" with the target name, eg .env.TARGETNAME.

If a .env.TARGETNAME file is not found, then the generic .env file is used.

The following options may be defined, depending on your use case:


Typically created when running sasjs auth. Used for authentication to the Viya and SASjs APIs.


Created when running sasjs auth against a Viya target. The CLI will use this to auto-refresh the access token if needed.


Verbose mode will log a summary of every HTTP request/response to the console - this is helpful in troubleshooting edge cases and unusual server responses.

VERBOSE=ON (case insensitive) will enable the debug mode. To remove extra colors from logged message, set VERBOSE=BLEACHED (case insensitive). Everything else (eg VERBOSE=OFF) will disable it. The option is disabled by default.

Verbose mode will also be enabled if LOG_LEVEL is set to Trace (case insensitive) in the .env* file.


Verbose mode can also be enabled for a single sasjs job execute command by adding the --verbose(-v) flag. To enable bleached verbose mode, add bleached after -v flag (eg sasjs job execute -v bleached).